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Educated by Tara Westover

I haven’t posted for a while, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been reading. I’ve gotten into a backlog of writing about the books because I’ve been so busy moving houses for the summer, keeping up with my New York Mets this season (yikes), and just completed a road trip from New York City to Texas. So, in these upcoming posts, I’ll be playing catch up on posts for the books I’ve read in the past few months.  --- Lately, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about everything that has gone into me being the person I am today, where I am today, and the path my life is on. Every time I reflect on this topic, it’s always clear to me that with the smallest changes to my life, where I’m at now today could be drastically different. If I wouldn’t have joined that soccer team growing up or enrolled in different classes my first semester of college who knows where I would be. The possibilities are endless.  Thinking about life in this way always makes me think of one of my fav...

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